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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Staying Safe and Comfortable if Flying during Pregnancy

Is it safe to be flying during pregnancy? For the most part, yes. But there are certain precautions that need to be taken...

I love to travel, which is good because with my profession I travel a lot. This was never a problem until I found out our first little bundle of joy was making its way towards us. Was it safe for me to continue flying during pregnancy?

It turns out there are a few special considerations I needed to make as a mommy to be, but mostly it was take off as usual.

To have the best trip possible if you plan on flying during pregnancy here are a few tips and tricks I picked up as I traversed from thither and yon over the course of my four pregnancies.

Talk to Your Doc

First off, and I recommend this to any expectant mother, you should talk to your doctor before booking your flight and packing your bags.

For the most part flying during pregnancy is totally safe. There are a few preexisting conditions dealing with maternal health, like hypertension or sickle cell anemia, that can cause unwanted complications when combined with pregnancy and air travel.

Your doc will be able to advise you of these situations.

Take a Walk

One of the most common concerns for air travel and pregnancy is the slight possibility of blood clots forming. This is because when in flight passengers are crammed bovine-like into tiny compartments and held in inert captivity for long periods of time by the all powerful illuminated seatbelt light.

To keep blood flowing freely, and avoid possible clotting, you need to get up periodically and take a stroll up and down the aisle.

Frequent Potty Trips

Visiting the in flight restroom is rarely the highlight of anyone’s adventure in the friendly skies. It is a necessary evil when flying during pregnancy, but it does have more than one benefit to mom and baby.

Trotting off to the restroom every hour or so gets the blood flowing into the legs and also ensures mom is adequately hydrated.

If you are on a short flight, one hour or less, you can get away with holding it. Any longer than that however and you should plan on visiting the potty at least once every 90 minutes.

Extra Sips

Letting yourself be relaxed in water consumption while traveling is just asking for trouble. Dehydration leads to a 20% drop in energy levels, headaches, blood pressure issues and preterm labor.

Take an empty water bottle through security, then fill it and drink up!

Pack a Snack

With all the cut back in flight accommodations, food is not a given (not that anyone is complaining much). If you are expecting, however, the stinginess of the in flight nosh could be a problem.

To keep your belly full, and blood sugar levels at a happy level you’d better bring your own snack. Stock your carry on with healthy options that travel well. A banana, for example, is not a great traveling companion. They tend to bruise under the rigors of travel. Carrots, apples, oranges, jerky, and nuts are better nutrient packed choices.

Pregnancy No Fly Zone

Keep in mind that even when you have a perfectly healthy pregnancy and have been cleared by your doctor for flying during pregnancy, there is a time when your wings will be revoked and you’ll find yourself grounded.

Flying after 36 weeks is not advisable, not that wedging your huge belly into that tiny seat is really high on your list of last minute pregnancy must do’s.

Keeping these tips in mind, I have had many a happy landings during pregnancy. May you experience the same!

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