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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Natural Home Remedies for Heartburn

from: WebMD

Heartburn is very common -- and very unpleasant. It's triggered when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus. It makes you feel as though someone has lit a small bonfire in your chest, and it's burning its way up to your neck.

You're probably well aware that medications can help calm the burn, but natural heartburn remedies and lifestyle changes may be another way to get some much-needed relief.

One commonly used "natural" heartburn remedy is calcium. It's also the active ingredient in most over-the-counter antacids.

If you find yourself popping antacids like candy and you're having heartburn more than a couple of times a week, it's time to see the doctor. You may have a condition called GERD -- gastroesophageal reflux disease. Frequent heartburn can lead to long-term problems --3 even cancer. But stopping the acid reflux can help prevent complications down the road.

Here is a rundown of some other commonly used home remedies for heartburn, and the evidence on whether they work.

Do Herbal Heartburn Remedies Work?

There isn't much research into herbal remedies for heartburn. Most of the research has centered on a product called Iberogast. It is made with many different herbs, including:

  • Angelica
  • Caraway
  • Clown's mustard plant
  • German chamomile
  • Greater celandine
  • Lemon balm
  • Licorice
  • Milk thistle
  • Peppermint

Studies have shown that Iberogast reduces acid reflux, stomach pain, cramping, and nausea. It's not clear, however, which herb in the mix relieves symptoms. Plus, peppermint oil can actually worsen heartburn, so it's not a good idea to take it if you have GERD.

Are There Any Other Natural Treatments for Heartburn?

One study showed that a dietary supplement containing a combination of melatonin, l-tryptophan, vitamins B6 and B12, and folic acid relieved GERD symptoms even better than the heartburn drug Prilosec. A number of other studies have shown that melatonin alone helps protect the digestive tract.

Before you decide to take any herbal remedy or supplement, check with your doctor. Some supplements can have side effects or can interact with medications you're already taking.

Can Drinking Milk Help My Heartburn?

You may have heard that drinking a glass of milk can relieve heartburn. While it's true that milk can temporarily buffer stomach acid, nutrients in milk, particularly fat, will stimulate the stomach to produce more acid. Even though milk might not be a great heartburn remedy, it's a rich source of bone-building calcium. Try fat-free skim milk and don't overdo it. Drink no more than 8 ounces of skim milk at a time -- as a snack in between meals. Overfilling the stomach may increase heartburn.

Is Chewing Gum an Effective Way to Get Heartburn Relief?

It may sound strange, but gum stimulates the production of saliva, which is an acid buffer. Plus, chewing gum makes you swallow more often, which pushes those nasty acids back out of your esophagus. When you pick a pack of gum, just make sure it's sugar-free so you also protect your teeth.

Finding Heartburn Relief at Home

A few simple strategies can help soothe the burn of heartburn:

  • Watch what you eat. Avoid specific foods that trigger your heartburn, but also watch out for peppermint, caffeine, sodas, chocolate, citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, onions, and high-fat foods. Eat more fiber to keep your digestive tract moving and healthy. Also reduce your portion sizes. Try eating five or six small meals a day, rather than three big ones. Eating too much at once is a big heartburn trigger.
  • Watch when you eat. Push away the plate at least two or three hours before bedtime so your stomach has a chance to empty before you lie down.
  • Watch how you eat. Eat slowly, taking smaller bites.
  • Lose weight . Excess abdominal fat can press against the stomach, forcing acids up into the esophagus. Follow a diet and exercise program to shed extra pounds.
  • Keep a diary. Write down what you've eaten and when your heartburn symptoms occur so you can pinpoint which foods are your triggers and avoid them.
  • Toss the cigarettes. Smoking can reduce the effectiveness of the muscle that keeps acids in the stomach. For this, and so many other health reasons, it's always the perfect time to quit.
  • Loosen your belt. Ditch the skin-tight jeans. Tight clothes put added pressure on the abdomen.
  • Tilt up. Put wood blocks under your bed to raise the head about 6 inches. Don't bother raising your pillows, though -- it's not effective for heartburn.
  • Work it out. Exercise may protect against the acid reflux that leads to heartburn.

Hangover Cures

Alcohol is a diuretic (meaning it removes fluids from the body), so drinking excessively can lead to dehydration. Dehydration is what causes many of the symptoms of a hangover.
Alcohol can upset your stomach and give you a bad night’s sleep. You may still have some alcohol in your system the next morning.

Cure myth
Hangover cures are generally a myth. There are no cures for a hangover. There are tips for avoiding hangovers and for easing the symptoms if you have one. The best way to avoid a hangover is not to drink. If you decide to drink, do it sensibly and within the recommended limits.

To minimise the risk of future serious health problems, men shouldn't regularly drink more than three to four units a day. Women shouldn't regularly drink more than two to three units a day.
To avoid a hangover, don't drink more than you know your body can cope with. If you're not sure how much that is, be careful.

Know your units
Adding up your units can be tricky at first, but once you know how many units a drink contains, you can keep track of what you’re consuming. Find out what a unit is on the desktop alcohol tracker, which is also available as an iPhone app.

You may be surprised. A large glass of wine, for instance, contains around three units. In one evening, that can quickly add up to a lot more than you intended to drink. Here are some examples:

  • a can of standard lager, beer or bitter – 1.8 units 
  • a pint of standard lager, beer or bitter – 2.3 units
  • a small glass of wine (125ml) – 1.5 units
  • a large glass of wine (250ml) – 3 units 
  • a measure of spirits (25ml) – 1 unit  

Follow these tips to keep hangovers away:

  • Don't drink on an empty stomach. Before you go out, have a meal that includes carbohydrates (such as pasta or rice) or fats. The food will help slow down the body’s absorption of alcohol.
  • Don't drink dark-coloured drinks if you've found that you're sensitive to them. They contain natural chemicals called congeners (impurities), which irritate blood vessels and tissue in the brain and can make a hangover worse.
  • Drink water or non-fizzy soft drinks in between each alcoholic drink. Carbonated (fizzy) drinks speed up the absorption of alcohol into your system.
  • Drink a pint or so of water before you go to sleep. Keep a glass of water by the bed to sip if you wake up during the night.

The morning after
If you wake up the next morning feeling terrible, you probably didn't follow this advice. Although there are no real cures for hangovers, there are ways to ease the symptoms.

Treatment involves rehydrating the body so it can deal with the painful symptoms (though the best time to rehydrate is before going to sleep).

Over-the-counter painkillers can help with headaches and muscle cramps. Paracetamol-based remedies are usually preferable, as aspirin may further irritate the stomach and increase nausea and sickness.

Sugary foods may help you feel less trembly. In some cases, an antacid may be needed to settle your stomach first.

Bouillon soup, a thin vegetable-based broth, is a good source of vitamins and minerals, which can top-up depleted resources. Its main advantage is that it's easy for a fragile stomach to digest.

You can replace lost fluids by drinking bland liquids that are easy on the digestive system, such as water, soda water and isotonic drinks (available in most shops).

"Hair of the dog" (drinking more alcohol) does not help. Drinking in the morning is a risky habit, and you may simply be delaying the appearance of symptoms until the alcohol wears off again.

If you've had a heavy drinking session, hangover or not, doctors advise that you wait 48 hours before drinking any more alcohol, in order to give your body tissues time to recover. Sometimes, of course, a hangover makes that advice easier to follow.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Home Remedy for Low Blood Pressure

What is Low Blood Pressure?

Low blood pressure (hypotension) is the pressure of the blood in the arteries. It occurs when the pressure of the blood is abnormally low. Blood pressure is typically recorded as the systolic pressure (as the heart beats) over the diastolic pressure (time between two beats). A consistent blood pressure reading of 90/60 mm Hg or lower is considered low blood pressure. People with low BP may experience symptoms of dizziness or syncope (fainting) as the blood flow to the brain and other vital organs becomes insufficient.

Common Causes of Low Blood Pressure

  • Dehydration (due to sweating and/or diarrhea)
  • Medications (for high BP or other treatments)
  • Severe infection
  • Heart attack
  • Heart failure
  • Pregnancy
  • Fainting

Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure

Tip 1:

Soak 32 small raisins in a ceramic bowl full of water over night. Chew them one by one first thing in the morning. Chew well and drink the water also.

Tip 2:

Soak 7 almonds in water over night. Peel them and grind to a smooth paste. Add in a glass of milk and boil. Drink warm. 

Tip 3:

Crush 10-15 holy basil leaves (tulsi) and strain through a clean muslin cloth. Mix with 1 tsp honey. Have it the first thing in the morning.

Read more: Low Blood Pressure Home Remedy

6 Easy Exercises for Knee Pain Relief

Knee pain relief may be minutes-a-day away. Get strong, flexible, healthy knees with these exercises.

By RealAge

Stair Step-Ups

Place your left foot on the first step of a stairway and your hand on the wall or banister for balance. Slowly step up onto your left foot so you are standing tall on the step with your left foot, and your right foot's off the ground. Hold for a second, and then step back down off the step onto your right foot, so there's no weight on your left foot. Repeat up to 6 times. If you need to, take a short rest between steps. Reverse legs, and repeat up to 6 times.

Up and Downs

Sit in a firm, armless chair with your feet flat on the floor and your arms crossed or loose at your sides, whichever feels more balanced. Slowly stand up, using deliberate, controlled movements, until you reach your full height. Hold for a few seconds, and then slowly sit down again. Repeat this exercise for about 1 minute. A firm cushion can be placed on the chair if this move is difficult at first. Tip: Check your knees -- when going up or down, they should never move forward beyond your toes.

Leg Flexes

Sit on the floor with your legs together and stretched out in front of you. Place your hands on the floor behind you for support. Slowly bend your right knee, sliding your heel along the floor toward your butt until you feel a gentle stretch in the thigh muscles. Hold for about 5 seconds, and then slide your foot forward, straightening your leg. Rest a few seconds. Do 10 times. Reverse legs, and repeat 10 times.

Knee Rolls

Lie on your back, either on a cushy carpet or an exercise mat. Bend your knees so your feet are flat on the floor. Keep your arms at your sides and your eyes on the ceiling. Slowly lower both knees to the right -- trying to keep your knees together as you do this -- until you feel a gentle stretch in your thighs and lower back. Hold the stretch for 5 seconds, and then slowly lift your knees back to center. Then, lower your knees to the left side, hold, and return to center. Repeat 10 times on each side, with short rests in between.

Hip Extensions

Lie on your stomach, either on a cushy carpet or an exercise mat. Place your hands under your chin for support if you like. Look down at the floor, keep your legs and back straight, and slowly lift your right leg 3–4 inches off the floor. Try to hold the lift for a few seconds, and then slowly lower the leg. Do 5 times; switch legs and repeat. Tip: The key here is to create smooth, controlled movements.

Leg Lifts

Lie on your right side, either on a cushy carpet or an exercise mat. Use your right hand to support your head and your left hand to steady your balance. Keeping your legs straight, slowly lift your top leg straight up, as far as you comfortably can. Hold for a few seconds, and then slowly lower the leg. Do 10 times; switch sides and repeat. Slow, controlled movements will bring the most benefit.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Treatment for Hair Graying


The naturally occurring phenomenon of hair graying may turn out to be a source of distress and despair with its premature onset. Absence of oil secretion by the glands of hair follicle harnesses premature graying. Oil secretion provides hair with required nutritional sustenance. The absence or deficiency of nutrition adds to premature graying. Also triggered by stress and strain intake of certain medicines may lead to the similar phenomena. Rather than going in for medications as preventive measures, certain home based solutions may be tried out because the ingredients used will yield no side effect.

  • Avoiding junk food and food rich in calorie content can help you stay younger for a long period of time, Soft drinks, pastries and jam should be avoided in addition to oily and spicy food. Sprouts, fresh fruits and vegetables should be included in ones diet.
  • Mixture of yogurt and yeast is also beneficial for doing away with premature graying; the resulting mixture needs to be applied to the grayish parts.
  • As far as application of concocted mixture is concerned; an amalgam of coconut oil and curry leaves is supposed to be advantageous. The two ingredients may be boiled followed by due straining and cooling. Massaging the same gently on scalp helps to counteract undue graying.
  • Clarified butter made from cow’s milk may be applied twice on scalp for obtaining the desired result.
  • Mixture of gooseberry, almond and lemon juice is another of the natural homemade remedies.
  • Henna an Indian herb soaked in liquor of yea may be applied as a hair pack for a period of six hours to add to the luster, shine and blackening of grey strands.

It should be borne in mind that homemade solutions help to counteract and control. They can help facilitate in favour or against the naturally occurring processes of hair fall, hair graying and that of its growth. On their own they should not be taken as curative solutions. In order to cure extreme conditions of hair fall and graying medical help should be taken.

Natural Hair Fall Treatment


It is normal to lose hair because hair fall is backed up naturally by hair growth. Hair fall relates to a process of abnormality when loss exceeds the frequency of natural re-growth. Hair fall effecting individuals irrespective of their age and sex is indicative of serious physical malfunctioning. While a part of it may be genetic and directly proportional to ageing; illness such as Diabetes, Lupus and Cancer are also some of the responsible factors. Amongst other associated causes, hormonal changes triggered by menopause, pregnancy and malfunctioning thyroid glands; absence of healthy diet, medications catering to arthritis, hypertension and depression can also be included.

Besides the medically maneuvered ways to cater to hair loss, certain home made ways involving the adoption of bare minimum fundamental regime may be outlined

Home Remedies for Hair Fall Treatment

  • First and foremost balanced diet with proper emphasis on vitamin calcium and iron may go a long way in preventing hair fall, because deficiency of protein and iron intake also contributes to hair loss. Thus a balanced diet comprising of all the essential nutrients should be insisted on.
  • Hair should be washed and brushed properly. Similar importance should be given to trimming to prevent tearing of hair. Combs with wide tooth should be made use of. Split ends should be got rid of as part of trimming. Blow drying should be avoided because the heat generated is found to be damaging from the point of view of hair.
  • Gentle massaging of scalp regularly, preferably with drops of warm oil contributes against hair fall.
  • Washing of head with a homemade concoction consisting of vodka/ alcohol, pepper and worm water will work well to combat hair loss.
  • Adding a few drops of tobacco sauce to the regularly used lather producing shampoo can also be an effective remedy for preventing hair loss.
  • Some of the herbal extracts used directly in forms of juice or paste can prove to be more beneficial than their medically encapsulated forms. Paste or juice of “Bhongra” may be massaged gently on to the scalp to counteract hair falling. Paste consisting of Shana seeds with coconut or castor oil turn out as an effective option.
  • In cases of baldness in patches or ‘alopecia areata’; a paste of lime seeds and black pepper may be massaged on affected areas. Scrubbing the affected areas with onion cut into half followed by application of honey may also help out.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Jet Lag Remedies that Work


Jet lag remedies that work... It used to be a dream for me.

But after 15 years of trial and error, and, ahem, some growing up, the dream of beating jet lag came true.

As I am writing this page I have been back in Australia for 72 hours, and over the last three days I did not experience any jet lag symptoms whatsoever. Nothing. Nada. Niente. I'm fine. Cured from jet lag for good.

If you read the introductory page about Preventing Jet Lag, then you know that in the past I suffered from jet lag badly. I also mentioned on that page that I used to do EVERYTHING wrong that you could possibly do wrong if you want to avoid jet leg.

On this page I tell you what exactly I did wrong, and how you do it right, so you too can beat jet lag.

My own jet lag remedies, tried and tested

There are two major mistakes I made, mistakes that are easily fixed. And then there is one neat trick that turns the whole program into an effective natural jet lag remedy that works.

1. Sorry, no alcohol

In my first few years of flying back between Germany and Australia, this was my biggest mistake. Back then alcohol was still flowing freely on most airlines, and I sure didn't mind a free drink! Or three or half a dozen...

These days the airlines are less generous with their alcohol. But even that glass of wine you have with dinner makes a big difference! Any alcohol is pure poison when flying.

High altitude multiplies the effect of alcohol on the body. Alcohol dehydrates you, it messes up your brain and body chemistry and it disturbs your sleep patterns. Yes, even a little bit of it will worsen your jet lag symptoms. Don't touch it! Don't touch it the evening before your flight either.

2. Sorry, no coffee, tea or coke

Coffee and tea, as well as any sodas with caffeine, also interfere with your wake/sleep patterns and body clock. On top of that caffeine is a diuretic, causing dehydration. And dehydration is your worst enemy on long haul flights!

Instead of looking to stimulants for a jet lag cure, focus on drinking lots of water.

Read through any jet leg tips anywhere, and you'll find the same advice. No alcohol, no other dehydrating drinks and no stimulants. Only drink water, water, water.

Ask the flight attendant for a whole bottle (you'll never get enough if you have to ask for every little cup full). Even better, bring your own bottle. You can't take liquids from the outside on planes, but maybe you can buy a bottle after passing security, or fill an empty bottle from a drinking fountain.

You can't drink too much on a plane. If you have to run to the toilet all the time, all the better. Moving around and keeping the blood circulating also helps with jet lag.

3. Don't resort to sleeping pills at night

Sleeping medication does not induce a natural sleep. It'll knock you out but it won't alleviate the jet lag symptoms, i.e. the groggyness and headaches, or the inability to sleep at night. Taking sleeping pills during the flight is even dangerous because it affects your circulation. Do you really want to risk a blood clot in your legs or even in your lungs?

(I am talking about standard sleeping pills here, the prescription type barbiturates etc., and also the over the counter histamin based pills. The controversial melatonin falls into a different category.

I used to take it melatonin, but while it helped me go to sleep in the evening, it didn't make me sleep through a night, and I still felt very groggy during the next days. Melatonin sure is no miracle jet lag remedy.)

4. Don't sleep during the day

This one you also find written up in all the jet lag tips: no matter how tired you are when you arrive, stay awake. Don't go to sleep until 10 or 11 pm.

Sorry, but this one I can't do. It's fine for flights with say 12-18 hours travel time. It does not work if you spend 30 - 40 hours door to door like I do.

If you can manage to stay up, great. If you don't, there's still hope.

Stay awake as long as possible, and when you have to crash, make sure you don't stay in bed for too long. Ideally you only have a nap... Just do the best you can do.

I sleep a few hours during the day, and I still sleep at night and feel great the next morning.

So far I just repeated what most people already know. Those points can't be stressed enough.
However, now we get to the jet lag remedies that you do NOT find listed in any and all list of jetlag tips...

5. Don't eat the airplane food

Do you like airplane food? Do you mainly eat it because you are starving? I only ate it because I was bored stiff...

Airplane food sucks. But that's not the main reason to avoid it. The main reason is that your digestive system has a LOT to do with setting your internal clock. That's why there is such a thing as a jet lag diet.

Jet Lag diets are specific diets that you have to start four days before departure, and you have to watch what you eat and when you eat it.

But there is no need to make things so complicated. Eat lightly on the day of departure (or the previous day if you leave early). And then just don't touch the airplane food, instead take your own food with you.

Eat as little and as lightly as possible during the flight. The ideal food to take with you is fresh fruit. Also check the special meals your airline offers. On my last flight I flew Lufthansa and they offered fruit platter as a meal option. Perfect.

If you can not take enough food, stick to the very lightest fare available. When changing planes, scour the transit area of the airport for a juice bar or a salad bar.

Be careful with the salads. They likely use ready made dressings full of chemicals and harmful fats. Not good for you digestion and not good for jet lag! Also stay away from salads with eggs, cheese, meat etc. Fresh, raw fare would be best. Just fresh fruit would be ideal.

If you feel you can't go for that long without a "decent" meal, oh well, you'll have to suffer through the jet lag then. Please do not underestimate the importance of this point!

6. My secret jet lag remedy

This last point is a neat trick that I picked up somewhere on the internet. And for me it worked.

Have a short fast! Fast, as in have nothing but water, for 16 hours before you have breakfast at the new destination. It improves sleep quality and it really helps reset the body clock.

So regardless of when you leave or when you arrive or how long you are in the air, figure out when you'll have your first breakfast at your destination. Count back 16 hours from that, and that's when you stop eating.

If you have hunger pangs, drink water. If, as recommended, you ate very lightly or fruit only in the 24 hours beforehand, you shouldn't feel too hungry.

If you do, make your choice: a few hours of being awfully hungry, or a few days of being terribly jetlagged. Which do you prefer? If you ever suffered from jetlag like I used to, it's a very easy choice.

Want to be safe? Do it again the next night. Stop eating at 4 pm.

My jet lag remedies in action on my latest flight

My flight left Munich in the evening. My last meal in Munich was a salad in the afternoon.

Lufthansa served me my requested special meal, a fresh fruit platter, for dinner and breakfast. I also had some fruit with me which I had during my stopover in Singapore. At 4 pm (note: that is 4 pm at my Australian destination), still at Singapore airport, I stopped eating.

I arrived at home in Australia at 7 am the next day and had breakfast between 8 and 9. Then I managed to stay awake for another two hours and eventually I slept. I woke up at 3 pm (set your alarm if you need to, don't get up later than 4 pm).

I had another meal wich I finished around 4 pm. After that I only had water, and I went to bed at 11 pm.

I slept like a baby until 7 am. Thas NEVER happened to me before, even with sleeping pills! I awoke without an alarm clock, fully refreshed. And I was perfectly fine, with a clear head, energetic and happy, for ALL of the next day.

Sure, I did feel that I hadn't slept much in the previous nights. But there was no leaden feeling in my legs or head, no groggyness, no headache, no jet lag symptoms whatsoever! That has NEVER happened to me before.

Try it for yourself. This natural jet lag remedy is free, simple and safe. Even if it doesn't cure your jetlag, it will still make you feel a million times better than you would on booze, coffee and a stomach full of airplane food. You can only win!

How to Cure Boils Naturally

By Kathy Love - 2006-09-23

Boils are not a pleasant topic, but it is something that most of us will experience at some point in our lives. This article will show how you can cure your boils naturally by using inexpensive natural remedies.

What is a boil?
Another name used to describe a boil is a skin abscess, but basically it's just an infection deep in the skin. I like to describe a boil as being a really big zit because that's what it looks like. Below are several different types of boils:

Cystic acne -- An abscess that forms when the oil ducts become infected or clogged. This type of boil is found mostly on the face and primarily effects teenagers.

Furuncle or carbuncle -- An abscess of the skin caused by Staphylococcus aureus. This type of boil may cause a fever or chills.

Pilonidal cyst -- This abscess is usually found in the crease of the buttocks. People who sit a lot or travel over long distances, like a truck driver, are more prone to getting this kind of boil.

Hidradenitis suppurativa -- This is when you have multiple boils that form in the arm pits and groin area and are associated with the sweat glands.

Why do we get boils?
The most common cause is believed to be clogged sweat glands or hair follicles that become infected. It is also possible for a scratch or any other break in the skin to become infected and turn into a boil. Believe it or not, an ingrown hair can cause a boil. People with compromised or suppressed immune systems are more likely to get boils. That includes people with diabetes. Medications can also suppress the immune system -- especially cortisone, prednisone, prednisolone and medications used by cancer patients.

How to cure boils naturally?
If you have been searching the Internet for information on how to cure boils, you probably found that most Websites recommend that you go to your doctor and be put on antibiotics. I think that's a bit radical when most boils can be effectively cured at home. If, however, after you have tried to cure the boil yourself, but it doesn't work, then go to your doctor immediately. Below are three natural cures you can try:

Turmeric -- Turmeric taken internally can help dissolve and heal boils in as little as three days. It has anti-inflammatory and blood purifying effects on the body. Just take one teaspoon of turmeric powder in warm water three times a day or buy turmeric in capsule form and take at least 450 mg each day. You can also make a paste out of the turmeric powder and place it directly on the boil and cover it with gauze. Be careful as turmeric can stain your skin and your clothes. The stain on your skin will go away in about two weeks.

Tea Tree Oil -- Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic that is able to help in the healing of all kinds of skin problems. All you have to do is apply one drop of tea tree oil directly on the boil each morning after bathing until it's gone.

Castor Oil -- Put some Castor oil on a cotton ball and place it on the boil. You will need to secure it with gauze or a band-aid. Castor oil will draw the poison right out of the boil and can heal it in as little as two days.

There are other remedies that I did not mention as I felt the three above were the best. Some other remedies are iodine, a paste made out of baking soda or you can take an epson salts bath.

Disabled World - Disability News for all the Family:

Treatment for Burns

From: DrWeil

What are burns?
Burns are damage to the skin from heat, fire, radiation, sunlight, electricity or chemicals. There are three degrees of severity:

  • First-degree: these are the least serious burns. They are marked by redness, and extend only into the outermost layer of skin, known as the epidermis.
  • Second-degree: These extend into skin tissue directly below the epidermis (known as the superficial or papillary dermis) and can involve superficial blistering.
  • Third-degree: These damage all layers of skin. If they cover a large proportion of the body, they can be life-threatening.

What are the symptoms of burns?
First degree burns are red and painful and may cause some skin swelling. The affected skin may peel off after a day or two, and they typically heal in three to six days. Second degree burns have blisters and are painful and very swollen. The skin appears red and splotchy. These burns usually take two to three weeks to heal. Third degree burns are the most severe but are sometimes the least painful because the burn has damaged nerves in the skin. The skin itself appears white or charred. Healing is prolonged.

What are the causes of burns?
Most burns are caused by heat from fire, hot liquids or steam. Burns caused by caustic chemicals are similar to burns due to heat, while other types of burns - from radiation, too much sun and electricity - have different characteristics. Severe burns can penetrate below the skin into fat, muscle, or bone.

Following the trauma of the burn, fluid leaks into the area from blood vessels, causing swelling and pain. Burned skin is easily infected because it can no longer effectively maintain a barrier against invading organisms.

Some electrical burns can cause internal injuries - but no obvious external damage - and should be treated as a medical emergency with transport to a hospital as soon as possible.

Wash chemical burns with large amounts of water and remove any clothing that has been splashed by the chemical. Don't put anything other than water on the burn (you could set off a chemical reaction that will make matters worse). Call your doctor or 9-1-1.

What is the conventional treatment for burns?
Perform first aid for first degree burns. Immediately, immerse the burned area in cold water (don't use butter, oil, ice or ice water, all of which can worsen the damage). Cover the burn with an antibiotic ointment or aloe vera cream. If you have pain, take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil or naproxen (Aleve).

Soak second degree burns in cool water for 15 minutes, apply an antibiotic cream and cover with a nonstick dressing (hold it in place with gauze or tape). Change the dressing daily (after making sure your hands are clean). Watch for signs of infection (redness, swelling, pus, worse pain) and don't break any blisters that form. As the burn heals, it may itch. Don't scratch.

Go to the hospital immediately for more severe burns. Emergency treatment is essential to prevent dehydration and shock.

What therapies does Dr. Weil recommend for burns?
Immediately immerse the affected part in cold water and keep it there for five to 10 minutes with brief break (There is a 20 minute critical period during which this treatment is most effective.) Then apply one of the following natural treatments of burns:

  • Aloe Vera gel: The clear gel that fills the thick leaves of the succulent Aloe vera plant from Africa is a superior home remedy for burns, so useful that you ought to keep a potted aloe plant in your kitchen to have available in case of an accident. To use the fresh plant, cut off a lower leaf near the central stalk, cut off any spines along the edge, split the leaf length-wise, score the gel with the point of your knife, and apply it directly to the burn. It will soon soak into the skin and provide immediate soothing relief. Use it on sunburn, thermal burns and any areas of skin irritation or inflammation. You can buy aloe products in drugstores and health food stores, but some have too little aloe to do your skin much good. Read labels to determine the percentage of aloe gel in the formula and choose products with the most.
  • Calendula tincture: This comes from a popular ornamental plant called a pot marigold (it is not a true marigold). You can buy ready to use calendula products in health food stores.
  • Honey: Honey can be spectacularly effective for severe burns and is the basis of a therapy in China that has attracted much attention from doctors in the West. It is soothing, antiseptic and healing. However, I wouldn't depend on the honey from the supermarket - or the health food store - to treat your next burn. Instead, try one of the medicinal honeys. The type used in New Zealand research on honey for wound healing is known as manuka honey, and is available commercially. German physicians have been using Medihoney for treatment of persistent wounds. If you have a bad burn, be sure to get prompt medical treatment. Using honey correctly to treat a serious wound requires considerable expertise.

Be sure to get medical help for any burn that covers a large area, results in charring of skin or becomes infected.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Home Made Remedies for German Measles


German Measles also known as Rubella, is a highly contagious disease caused by a paramyxovirus. It is commonly observed during childhood that nearly all children worldwide are at risk of getting infected by it.

Symptoms of German Measles

7-14 days after exposure to the virus, the symptoms appear in the form of:

  • cold
  • fever
  • watery eyes
  • dry cough
Four days later, skin rashes that is consisted of small rounded spots with reddish skin in the middle initially appears on the sides of the face and neck. It gradually spread all over the body. The spots grew darker as it lasts longer.

Usually, it is accompanied by fever and diarrhea. High fever and delirious state are apparent during severe conditions. Complications include bronchitis, abscesses in the ears and pneumonia. Rare complications affect the brain.

Causes of German Measles

Measles is a very contagious disease that is caused by a virus that is transmitted through aerosol means such as sneezing or coughing. Unhealthy dietary habits and living in unsanitary environment also contributes to its causes.

Treatment / Home Remedies for German Measles

Drinking plenty of orange juice is a good home remedy for german measles for it helps to  overcome intense toxaemia and intense hunger and thirst.

Dilute 15-25 ml of lemon juice in water is one of the best remedies for German Measles. Drink to quench thirst.

Dry raw turmeric roots under the sun and ground it into fine powder which can be an effective home remedy for German Measles. Mix ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder, a few drops of honey and bitter gourd leaf juice.

Taking ½ teaspoon of licorice powder mixed with equal parts honey is a very good home remedy to relieve cough due to German Measles.

Mixing barley water with fresh sweet almond oil is one of the noted home remedy for German measles. Drink it frequently to ease cough.

Egg plant:
Another great Home remedy for German measles is Eggplant. Take ½-1 gm of egg plant seeds everyday for 3 days. Egg plant seeds are stimulant and they are effective in preventing measles contraction for 1 year.

Diets Suggestions for German Measles

Drink fresh orange and lemon juices frequently to bring back loss appetite.

Undergo an exclusive fruit diet for a few days as the condition improves. Follow with a healthy and well-balanced diet afterwards.

Further Suggestions for German Measles

Let the infected child take a complete bed rest.

Stay inside a well-ventilated room. This room should have subdued lighting that is enough to shade the eyes from too much sunlight as light has harmful effect on the eyes due to its weakened external eye tissues.

Administer a warm water enema every morning along with mudpack application on the abdomen in the morning and in the evening. Apply chest pack repeatedly as well. This successive treatment will help bring down temperature from fever while eliminating toxins from the body. Take lukewarm baths everyday to relieve itchiness. Extracts from neem leaves can be added to the water.

Stay away from infected person to avoid contracting the same disease.

Home Remedies for Foot Odor

by Editors of Consumer Guide

When you kick off your shoes, do you clear a room? That's one sure sign that your feet reek like week-old garbage. Your olfactory region may be blissfully unaware of the odors emitted from down below, but others' noses aren't so immune. Foot odor may leave you friendless, too, as the stink often (unfairly) implies bad hygiene to those who share your air.

Foot odor, known in the medical profession as bromhidrosis, can be traced to bacteria that find your moist and warm feet, socks, and shoes the perfect place to breed and multiply. Thousands of sweat glands on the soles of the feet produce perspiration composed of water, sodium chloride, fat, minerals, and various acids that are the end products of your body's metabolism. In the presence of certain bacteria (namely those found in dark, damp shoes), these sweaty secretions break down, generating the stench that turns people green.

If you suffer from this foot odor, don't worry. You don't have to stand for it anymore. Simply follow these home remedies for keeping your feet drier and sweeter smelling.

Wash well. Those sweat glands on the soles of your feet produce perspiration composed of water, sodium chloride, fat, minerals, and various acids that are end products of your body's metabolism. In the presence of certain bacteria, these sweaty secretions break down, generating a foul smell. Washing away the bacteria with deodorant soap (and drying them well) will short-circuit this process.

How often should you wash your feet? Enough to remove the offending bacteria but not so often that you remove all the protective oils from your skin. For strong foot odor, you may need to bathe your feet several times a day. However, if you notice that your feet are becoming scaly and cracked, cut back on the number of washings.

Salt your tootsies. For extra-sweaty feet, try adding half a cup of kosher salt (it has larger crystals than ordinary table salt) to a quart of water and soaking your feet in the solution. After soaking, don't rinse your feet; just dry them thoroughly. As anyone who has ever taken a dip in the ocean likely knows, salt has a drying effect on the skin.

Pretend they're the pits. Believe it or not, the deodorant and/or antiperspirant that you use under your arms can be used on your feet, too. Pay attention to the label on the product, though. Deodorants contain antibacterial agents that can kill bacteria -- they won't stop the sweat, but they will eliminate the odor that ensues when sweat meets bacteria. Antiperspirants, on the other hand, stop the sweat and the smell at the same time.

Take a powder. Shake on deodorizing foot powder that contains aluminum chloride hexahydrate.

Give 'em a good sock. Wear socks that let your feet breathe. Some people find that natural fibers such as cotton or wool are best, but others prefer acrylic; try different fabrics until you find the one that seems to keep your feet driest. If possible, change your socks at least once during the day, and don't wear the same pair two days in a row without laundering them. Contrary to conventional wisdom, white socks are not sterile and do contain dye, so they are not necessarily preferable to colored socks.

Shoe it away. Choose open shoes such as sandals whenever possible, because they allow air onto the feet, which helps evaporate sweat and slows the growth of odor-causing bacteria. If sandals aren't an option, choose leather or canvas shoes, which breathe a bit, and avoid shoes that are lined with solid rubber or synthetic materials.

Wash your sneakers. Some shoes -- such as sneakers and other canvas footwear -- can go right in the washing machine. Let them air-dry rather than throwing them in the dryer, though.

Let your shoes breathe. Try airing out your shoes in between wearings, too. If you can, alternate shoes on a daily basis so that you don't wear the same pair two days in a row. Loosen the laces and pull up the tongue on the pair you're not wearing, and let them dry out in the sunshine.

Sprinkle your shoes. Sprinkle the inside of your shoes with cornstarch to help absorb moisture and keep your feet drier.

Eat wisely. Avoid strong-flavored foods such as garlic, onions, scallions, and peppers, because the substances that give them their powerful flavor and aroma can pass through the bloodstream and eventually concentrate in your sweat. While this effect is not restricted to foot perspiration, it certainly won't help a case of smelly feet.

Keep calm. Stress and anxiety increase production of sweat, giving those nasty little bacteria even more to feed on. If you're so stressed that it's making your feet smell, it's time to make some changes in your life or, at the very least, learn some stress-reduction techniques.

This information is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors of Consumer Guide (R), Publications International, Ltd., the author nor publisher take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained in this information. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider.

Water: The Best Home Remedy To Detox Your Body

Tess Thompson

The natural detoxification system of the human body consists of the liver, the kidneys, the digestive system and the skin. The system is often put to the test due to the inhalation of pollutants and the unhealthy foods we consume. Even your dentist can contribute to your toxicity if he/she uses mercury amalgam to fill cavities. These amalgams can enter the body while brushing or can shed on their own over time.

For these reasons, you should choose a detox product or an herbal detox program to cleanse your body periodically. You could time it after a hectic vacation or a period of overindulgence. Some simple modifications in your regular diet and the addition of home remedies for natural detox can also prove to be helpful in cleansing your body over time.

However, in search of a good detox treatment , we tend to ignore one of the simplest detox remedies that exists and is extremely easy to include in our daily lives, water. Water is the last word in home remedies for detoxification. It is the best natural cleansing agent and helps in dispelling toxins from the body in more ways than one.

Drinking water provides the much needed hydration to the cells and body as a whole.

  • Hydration - If the amount of water in the body is insufficient, the cells start to draw water from the blood. This puts unnecessary pressure on the heart and can prove to be harmful in the long run.
  • Kidneys – Even short-lived dehydration can potentially affect kidney functioning. When the kidneys work too hard, the liver begins to take over. This initiates a chain reaction that affects other organs that help in detoxification. The net result is a heavier workload for the detoxification system as a whole. This can lead to conditions like acne, urinary tract infections, constipation and related medical disorders.

There is historical evidence that ancient cultures relied heavily on hot and cold baths and saunas for hygiene and health. All ancient cultures had bathing rituals for keeping their skin in proper condition.

Sweating is an essential part of the detoxification process. It is as essential as proper bowel movements. Sweat can change lipid toxins into water soluble toxins, and these water soluble toxins are then easily eliminated through the pores as sweat. Hot and cold baths and saunas open up the pores for smooth sweating.

Detoxification of the body is a continuous process. There is nothing that can be called a "quick detox" remedy or product. You have to be aware of the need of eliminating toxins regularly and properly. Home remedies can be easily ingested, and among home remedies, water is the easiest, most affordable remedy include in your daily diet.


Home remedies for dry hair

By Melanie Lasoff Levs 

Here are five ideas for things you can use at home to help with dry hair. Most of these items are probably already in your refrigerator.

Life wreaks havoc on your hair, but often, deep conditioning and other fancy salon treatments can wreak havoc on your wallet. How can you fix dry hair woes at home? Try these natural ingredients — alone or combined — for softer, more manageable locks. 

 Many of these home remedies for dry hair work best when left in for at least 30 minutes before rinsing out completely. To keep hair shiny, it is best to rinse with cool water.

Olive oil 
Massage warm olive or coconut oil into your scalp and coat your hair with it. Slip on a shower cap for about 45 minutes before rinsing.

Simply adding a teaspoon of vinegar to your final hair rinse can be effective in treating dry tresses. You could also mix 2 cups of water with one-half cup of vinegar, massage it into your hair after you shampoo, and leave it in for several minutes — up to an hour — before rinsing.

Mixed with banana, mayonnaise or by itself, avocado serves as a strong "mask" to seal moisture into hair follicles. 
Full-fat mayonnaise 
About 1 tablespoon spread evenly throughout your hair should do the trick; cover your head with a shower cap and then rinse the mayonnaise out after 30 minutes.   

Several home dry hair remedies include raw eggs, which contain protein and lecithin that strengthen hair and add shine. Beat two eggs together, or one egg and some plain, full-fat yogurt, and massage into hair. Leave on for about 15 minutes, and use cool water (not warm or hot, lest you create a hard-boiled mess on your head) to rinse.   

How else can you treat dry hair at home? Prevent the problem by wearing a cap while swimming, drinking plenty of water, spacing out your hair treatments (such as coloring or blowing dry), and using a rubber-tipped brush or wide-tooth comb to brush hair when it’s wet. Shampooing less frequently also can prevent dry hair, as shampoos strip hair of natural oils.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Effective Natural Home Remedies for Hyperacidity

Hyperacidity is also known as acid indigestion, acid reflux, and acid dyspepsia. This disease can be explained so: our stomach contains gastric glands that produce gastric acid. This acid is vital for digestion because it breaks down the food in small pieces so that to be easily digested. If the amount of acid is very large we can talk about hyperacidity (acidity) or heartburn. Hyperacidity irritates the esophagus lining and as a consequence we experience pain in chest or in the low part of our stomach. 

The symptoms of hyperacidity are various. The person who suffers a hyperacidity attack can experience very unpleasant and painful conditions: from nausea, restless, loss of appetite, abdominal pain to difficulty swallowing, flatulence, and sour taste in his mouth. 

The main causes of this digestive problem are: stressful life, irregular meals, an unhealthy diet, the consumption of large amounts of tea, alcohol, coffee, too spicy food. Some medicines can lead to hyperacidity, too. 

Fortunately hyperacidity can be treated with some very efficient natural remedies that have only advantages. Unlike medicines, natural remedies have no side effects and, what is more important they are able to help you to get rid of hyperacidity for ever. 

A mixture prepared from thinned butter milk mixed with pepper powder is known as one of the fastest and the most efficient remedy for hyperacidity. Take this treatment on a regular basis. 

Another natural cure consists in ginger juice and a teaspoon of honey. Drink this juice after every meal and the digestive problems will be under control. 

Even if it is a short-term treatment, chilly milk helps you t get rid of hyperacidity. Drunk with little sips 2-3 times a day, this treatment helps you to feel an immediate relief. 

Pineapple or sweet lemon juice has the property to reduce the amount of acid from your stomach and to heal hyperacidity.

Cumin seeds are also recommended as an efficient treatment for hyperacidity. Add 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds in 2 liters of water and boil them for 3-5 minutes. Strain the solution and drink it. Take this treatment several days consecutively. 

Herbal teas are miraculous in treating this ailment. For example, cinnamon tea, green tea, chamomile tea and more others have unbelievable effects helping you to get rid of hyperacidity. 

Chewing almonds or basil leaves is very helpful, too. 

Fruits and vegetables as papaya, water melon, bananas, apples, cucumber, tomatoes, cabbage and potatoes can count among the best solution in hyperacidity treatment. From cabbage or potato you can prepare a fresh juice. Just a half a cup of this juice drunk on empty stomach every morning will heal you completely from hyperacidity. Fresh pineapple juice has the same effect. You can use sweet lemon juice as well. 

Water is another exceptional remedy. Drink 3-4 glasses of water daily and the level of acid in your stomach will be kept in its normal limits. 

Jaggery has proved to be a good remedy, too. Suck about 10 gm of jaggery and you can get rid of heartburn or acidity efficiently.

Read more about Acidity Treatment. Also know about High Blood Pressure Herbal Treatment.

Posted in Home Remedies.

Tagged with home remedies for hyperacidity, hyperacidity remedies, natural remedies for hyperacidity.

By Easton Patrick – February 4, 2011

Home Remedies For Asthma


Asthma is a very common respiratory disease, it affects the trachea and bronchial tubes by becoming inflamed and plugged with mucus. This causes the airways to narrow, restricting the amount of air going to the lungs, and makes it very difficult to breathe. Asthma can occur in anyone but is very common in children and young adults. Typical symptoms of an asthma attack are coughing, wheezing, tight chest, difficulty breathing. Home remedies for asthma can help breathing.

There are 2 types of asthma, allergic asthma and non allergic asthma.  Some of the allergens that can trigger an asthma attack are: chemicals, drugs, smoke, dust, food additives, pollution, mold, etc. Non allergic asthma can be cause by anxiety, exercise, dry or humid weather, fear, laughing, stress etc. Home remedies for asthma can help these conditions as well.

The rate, in which asthma attacks have increase in the pass few years is alarming, specially in children. Scientists believe that, there is a strong link between contamination in the air we breath and asthma, evidence suggest that the percentage of people who live in big cities, and have asthma attacks is far greater, than those of people who live in rural areas. However, this may not be the only reason, it is believed that genetic, food additives, toxins etc. could also contribute to asthma attacks.

Modern medicine can offer very little to children with asthma, most drugs can only produce a temporary effect. Herbs in the other hand can be very helpful,  not only reducing attacks but also strengthening the lungs and immune system. You'll learn to treat this disease with many combinations of herbs such as mullein , elecampane and more. 

Use These Home Remedies for Asthma

Home Remedies for asthma #1: Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 are very important nutrients to treat asthma decreasing the inflammation in the lungs.

Home Remedies for asthma #2: Vitamin C Is needed to fight infection, increase the amount of oxygen and reduce inflammation.

Home Remedies for asthma #3: Use ginkgo biloba, this herb contains ginkgolide B which is very helpful. Some studies indicate that ginkgo biloba reduces the frequency of asthma attacks.

Home Remedies for asthma #4: Mullein oil is used to fight respiratory congestion, is very important to make it as a tea for faster results. 

Home Remedies for asthma #5: Pau d'arco is a natural antibiotic and reduces inflammation. 

Home Remedies for asthma #6: In china a powerful mixture of herbs called Shuan Huang Lian is being used in hospitals to treat respiratory illness, very important to use this herb in asthma and acute bronchitis.

Home Remedies for asthma #7: If exercise triggers asthma attacks, cut back the amount of salt in your diet and take 2,000 mg. of Vitamin C one hour before your workout.

Home Remedies for asthma #8: Eat salmon 3 times a week and take salmon oil capsules.

Home Remedies for asthma #9: Drink coffee and Soft drinks with caffeine (colas), caffeine dilates the bronchial airways.

Home Remedies for asthma #10: Make a tea using: 
2 tsp. powdered Indian root. 
2 tsp. granulated echinacea root. 
2 tsp. elecampane root.
2 cups of water. 
Mix all ingredients and let them set for 2 hours.

Home Remedies for asthma #12: To improve breathing make a tea with:

1 quart boiling water. 
1 tsp. chamomile flowers. 
1 tsp. echinacea root. 
1 tsp. mullein leaves. 
1 tsp. passionflower leaves.