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Monday, November 5, 2012

9 Prostate Cancer Prevention Tips!

Prostate cancer is a scary thing, but luckily there are some tips of things you can do to help prevent ever having to deal with it! Most of them are super easier to fit into your life, too!

Drink the hell out of some coffee! However you love it, coffee is great in the fight against prostate cancer. Even decaf. It's pretty staggering, too — 59 percent drop in the chance to develop advanced prostate cancer in men who drank six or more cups!

Give the gland a workout! Yep! That means you should be gettin' mad rutty on a regular basis!

A 2004 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association analyzed data on 29,342 men and found that guys who had 21 or more orgasms a month were about 30 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer than those who racked up only four to seven a month.

Eat your tomatoes, duh! That red lycopene is an incredible thing! Especially in cooked tomatoes, because that lycopene gets more potent because of it. Have two plus servings a week, this shizz was figured out in the 90's!

Work out, and hard! If you exercise (and even better if you go all out on it), you reduce the risk by 41%.

What's more, among survivors of prostate cancer, those who exercised vigorously (playing tennis, running, swimming, or biking) for 5 hours a week had a 56 percent lower risk of death from the disease.

FISH OIL. By now everyone should know that fish oil is the bomb, and regularly eating fish gives you access to those incredible omega-3 fatty acids! That stuff is so gangster that it'll INHIBIT tumors. Plus it reduces our prostate cancer risk by 25%.

Drop the trans-fattiness. Avoid those commercial donuts, guys!

Men with the highest blood levels of trans fats have more than twice the prostate-cancer risk of men with the lowest levels. Trans-fatty acids increase inflammation and insulin resistance, both of which may play a role in prostate cancer.

Ditch the selenium supplements. Don't need'em! A recent study shows that they actually did nothing against the disease or prevention. Plus, that stuff might even up your risk for diabetes. Avoid unless your doc says to!

Get checked for a sneaky STD. You should get checked regardless, but this is so easy to clear up and reduce your risk of prostate cancer that you'd be insane not to.

In a new Harvard study, men with a history of trichomoniasis were more than twice as likely to develop advanced-stage prostate cancer as those who never had the parasite. The infection could lead to prostate inflammation, which has been linked to cancer risk and progression. If you've never been tested, see your doctor. A single, 2-gram dose of either tinidazole or metronidazole can usually clear the infection.

Eat those greens. That's right, keep up on your veggies. Especially broccoli.

Regularly eating broccoli may lower your risk of prostate cancer and heart disease. In a 2008 British study, scientists found a disease-fighting benefit from consuming just 4 servings of the vegetable a week. It's likely that compounds found in broccoli, called isothiocyanates, can activate genes that disturb the chemical processes that may cause cancer and inflammation.

Eat a cup raw, or half cooked. Do it.
All of these are so easy! Get on it, men, and let's reduce prostate cancer!!

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