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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Home Remedies for Hair Fall


Hair loss is caused due to many reasons such as lack of vitamins, minerals or iron in the body, age, pollution, heredity, stress, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalance and illness.

It is said that losing about 100 hairs a day is normal. If you lose more hair then it’s an alarming sign.

One needs to eat healthy food, clean hair regularly, drink plenty of water and sleep properly for healthy and shining hair.

Follow these routine tips at home to prevent hair from damage:

· Keep your hair clean. It will prevent dandruff, itching and hair lice, which ultimately result in hair fall.

· Use a shampoo and conditioner depending on your hair type.

Tackling dandruff with Ayurveda

· Massage your scalp regularly with lukewarm oil at least twice a month. You can choose coconut oil, olive oil or almond oil for your hair.

· Never comb your hair when it is wet. The roots of the hair are weakest when they are wet. Keep the hair wrapped in a towel for a while then let it dry naturally as excess usage of hair dryer damages the texture of hair and makes it weak resulting in hair fall.

· Make a mixture at home of amla, shikakai and dry neem leaves, apply on scalp and leave it on for an hour before washing.

· Eat a healthy diet including green vegetables, dairy products and fruits.

· Drink coconut water to prevent hair fall.

· Include at least 2 nuts in your daily diet to help strengthen hair.

Greying? Try Ayurveda

· Avoid using harsh clips or bands and do not tie your hair up tightly.

· Protect the hair from dust and sun. Cover your head while going out in direct sunlight.

· Eat iron-rich fruits and food helps in preventing hair fall. Include apples, beetroot and jaggery in your diet. They are rich in iron and so help prevent hair fall.

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