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Sunday, November 11, 2012

How to Cure White Hair: Proven for 4 Years!

Pssst. Listen up. I’m 42 years old and I’ve got jet black hair all over my head. I started having lots of white hair at 38 years old but I stumbled upon a secret. That my white hair can be cured. They can all grow black again. And keep them black I have for 4 years now. Here is my secret:
- I use organic shampoo, only once every 2 weeks.
- I eat a raw paleolithic diet every single day.
- And I eat high vitamin C fruit such as guava or papaya coupled with raw fat from either raw duck eggs, raw bone marrow, raw coconut meat, or raw beef.

This combination of high amounts of natural raw vitamin c plus raw fat is the secret combination that cures white hair.

I started doing this 4 years ago in 2008. It is now 2012 and I have maintained my black hair. There were times when I forgot about this regimen for several months and white hair started popping out of my head. I simply went back to this regimen and in a month my white hair had gone away.

It works! Try it!


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